About Us

Kalana is a US-based software development company that provides businesses worldwide with custom technology solutions. As an application development company with over 25 skilled software developers, Kalana combines technological expertise, specific domain experience, and passion for excellence to deliver enterprise-grade solutions.

Kalana is a true and seamless backend technology partner, helping your business accelerate the development of desktop, mobile & web-based apps with on-demand developers that focus on moving your business forward.

Our Mission

To use innovation and creativity to provide world-class software development and deploy such mechanisms to improve the efficiency of our customers' business.


Our goal is to help our clients embrace the constant technological change and become digital leaders in their industries.


The Kalana team consist of seasoned professionals in product management, UX, design and scalable software architectures. We nourish software craftsmanship and deliver value, fast!

Fueling Innovation Across Insustries

We work with forward-thinking enterprises and innovative startups that want to shake their markets, capture new growth, and set a new high bar for digital leadership. Our clients come from across industries but with a similar goal - they want to break their business model in order to improve it with technology.

No matter the industry, we believe that digital products need to be strategic engines of growth, turning ideas into transformational business models.


We partner with the world's leading companies to expand our service offerings and provide the best solutions to your digital challenges.


Work with Kalana

The work we produce changes the way businesses operate, helping them transform into progressive product-driven organizations. Talk to our business development team about working with Kalana.